Trails: 0 | Lifts: 0

H: 71 L: 48

Snowsports Ability Levels


Please read the following information carefully so we can ensure that students are placed in the proper ski or snowboard lesson. Accurate information will allow us to provide the best lesson experience and will ensure students begin their lesson on the appropriate terrain. These levels are a starting point. Our experienced instructors can move students as they progress.

Skiing Ability Levels


  • You have never skied before or have very minimal experience on snow.
  • (Mighty Moose: Your child must be able to stop in order to move from Red to Yellow. Even if your child has on snow experience, if they are unable to stop, they must be classified as Red.)
  • Terrain: Start on flat areas and in the Learning Zones.
  • Transport: Carpet


  • You have skied before.
  • You can walk or glide on skis.
  • You can side step or duck walk uphill.
  • You can make a gliding wedge to stop.
  • You are working on turning in both directions to control speed.
  • Terrain: Learning Zones
  • Transport: Carpet


  • You can control your speed while turning.
  • You can link wedge (snowplow) turns.
  • You are starting to match skis in the turn.
  • You are comfortable skiing on green trails.
  • You are comfortable riding the chairlift.
  • Terrain: Green and some easy Blue trails
  • Transport: Chairlift


  • You are starting to match your skis consistently.
  • You start and finish your turns with parallel skis.
  • You are comfortable on green and blue trails.
  • You are comfortable riding the chairlift.
  • Terrain: Green and Blue trails 
  • Transport: Chairlift


  • You can ski parallel all the time while carving turns.
  • You can hockey stop to the left and right.
  • You can control your speed on Blue and Black trails. 

Snowboard Ability Levels


  • You have never snowboarded before or have very minimal experience on snow.
  • Terrain: Start on flat areas and in the Learning Zones.
  • Transport: Carpet


  • You have snowboarded before.
  • You can glide on a snowboard.
  • You can turn snowboard sideways to stop.
  • You are working on turning in both directions to control speed.
  • Terrain: Learning Zones
  • Transport: Carpet


  • You can control your speed while turning.
  • You can link turns.
  • You are comfortable riding on green trails.
  • You are comfortable riding the chairlift independently.
  • Terrain: Green and some easy Blue trails


  • You are linking turns constantly.
  • You can stop in both directions.
  • You are starting to ride switch (non-dominant foot forward).
  • You are comfortable on green and blue trails.
  • Terrain: Green and Blue trails
  • Transport: Chairlift


  • You are carving turns.
  • You can link turns riding switch.
  • You can control your speed on Blue trails and some Black trails. ​​​​​​​
  • Terrain: All Mountain
  • Transport: Chairlift